so what

whatever what is this nonsense whatever

i dont see why i need this

I am working on Riemann hypothesis

and how silly that all these are nonsense in a few years maybe less everything I started will disappear

and to strat a paragraph i need to enter p tag what nonsense what waste of time silly

i can copy and paste several paragraphs

riemann and his functions

i can practice html here

the world is nonsensical

i wonder why we eat so much

why is it that eating habits are not controlled by reason

  1. reason
  2. mind
  3. concisousness
  4. i can even spell it conciousness

do i have time for this shit?

what a waste of time

so what!

broken link

If I spend much time on my own work........

kediler saksıları devirdiler...

so what....

i wonder if people click broken link link

Nobody cares.....

hang up your hang ups

Just leave me alone...